Tag: freedom
On the front page: the “freedom convoy” at the gates of Paris
Driving their vehicles, these opponents of the government’s health strategy continue to converge by the thousands on the French capital. Emmanuel Macron appeals for calm. In the interview he gave…
Faced with the “freedom convoy”, the presidential candidates between support and wait-and-see
The first vehicles of the freedom convoys, this anti-vaccination pass movement, arrived in Paris on Friday evening. The largest mobilization is expected this Saturday, February 12, but the number of…
The Freedom Convoy passes through Lorraine
Several rally points are planned this Friday in Nancy and Metz. A hundred vehicles will arrive at the parking lot of the Sapinière in Laxou (54) as well as in…
Michel Wieviorka: “The motivations of the freedom convoy are above all health”
The French “freedom convoy” set off this Wednesday morning, the coffers loaded with food and demands. These long lines of vehicles left the south of France, inspired by the success…
Convoy of freedom: what is it in France, against the vaccination pass?
The Freedom Convoys is a protest movement, inspired by the mobilizations observed in Ottawa, Canada. Opponents of health restrictions in France, including the vaccination pass, met on Saturday February 12…
Canada: facing the “freedom convoy”, Justin Trudeau at an impasse
Like a phoenix, Justin Trudeau has always recovered from everything: from risky polls which resulted in two electoral victories in 2019 and 2021, as from scandals relating to his personal…
The “freedom convoys” set off for Paris against health measures
Several convoys bringing together opponents of the restrictions linked to the health crisis set off on Wednesday February 9 in the direction of Paris, to then reach Brussels, in particular…
The “freedom convoy”, the ultimate avatar of the yellow vests?
Are we witnessing the next major social movement of the five-year term? Some dream of it: inspired by the mobilization recently observed in North America, opponents of health restrictions would…
The convoy of freedom sets off for Paris
Thousands of citizens angry against Macron’s policies, against the high cost of living, against the technocratic decisions of Paris have decided to converge on the capital to say their fed…
Ai Weiwei, freedom is the childhood of art
Ai Weiwei is an internationally recognized committed artist. He has made his works and performances into aesthetic and militant manifestos. Today he publishes his autobiography “1000 years of joys and…