Tag: fraud
Forced into fraud – and tortured unless they succeed
The fraud factories withdraw billions – stated to be run by Chinese criminal groups People who work in fraud center in Asia are electrically shocked, get beaten and locked in…
Criminal gangs lurk young Chinese into traps – forced to commit fraud
Last week, over a thousand people have been rescued from the fraud in Myanmar. They have been tricked there by criminal networks and are forced to carry out telephone fraud.…
New sharp fraud warning: “is false”
In recent years, fraud has become the fastest growing type of crime and every year, scams over billions will come from their victims. Not infrequently, they also pretend to be…
Warning for gold fraud – then you get rid of money
The police are going out with a new warning for fraud. This is by no means new as the year 2024 was characterized by fraud from many different directions. Unlike…
Gérard Depardieu targeted by an aggravated tax fraud investigation, what does he have criticized for him?
Aimed by an investigation since February 2024, the actor is suspected of having fictitiously domiciled in Belgium. Gérard Depardieu continues to be in the sights of justice. Médiapart revealed on…
Police: Norwich Man in charge with Assault; Dunnville Resident Charged in Connection With Concert Ticket Fraud
A 19-YEAR-OLD NORWICH MAN IS FACING SEVERAL LEADER THAT INCLUDE ASSULTING POLICE Officers after Oxford OPP RESPONDED TO A DISTurbance in Norwich Township on Wednesday afternoon. Content Police Response At…
Police warns of new wave of gold fraud
Fraudsters who claim to come from the police, banks or insurance companies contact older people and offer to secure their valuables. Now the police warn of an increase in gold…
Woman exposed to fraud – got rid of jewelry
Last week, several older people were contacted by fraudsters who claimed to call from the police in Järfälla. Which caused the police to go out with a warning to the…
Fraud against the elderly is to be punished harder
Share-Arrowela UNSaveSpara Expand-Left Fully Skärdre people are considered more vulnerable to the risk of being exposed to fraud. File image. Photo: Caisa Rasmussen/TT The government proposes several legislative changes on…
The police warn of fraud against Gotlanders
Wolfgang Hansson: “Then Sweden can send a squad to Ukraine” 2:59 Three news you are not allowed to miss The police warn of fraud against Gotlanders The police warn of…