Tag: France
Frenzy of rallies in the presidential campaign: “The effects are extremely marginal”
Two months before the presidential election, defections in favor of Emmanuel Macron are increasing. The former Sarkozyist minister Éric Woerth, had announced his rallying to the head of state, as…
Adrien Bosc, the great crossings and singular destinies
Adrien Bosc was born in 1986 in Avignon. In 2014, he received for his first novel, “Constellation”, the Grand Prix du roman from the French Academy, as well as the…
Will social networks make the presidential election?
Today, like yesterday and like tomorrow, each of us will have looked at the screen of our mobile phone 221 times. Or twenty times every hour. How much time will…
NGOs remain unsatisfied and denounce “blue washing”
End clap for the One Ocean Summit, in Brest, to which around twenty heads of state responded, physically or remotely. This Friday morning, a small group of environmental activists led…
Covid France measures: February 28, end of the mask, contact case test
NEW COVID MEASURES. The Ministry of Health announces a reduction in covid screening for contact cases (2 tests instead of 3) and the end of the compulsory mask in closed…
The Cnil attacks data transfers to the United States
The National Commission for Computing and Liberties is banging its fist on the table. The personal data protection authority issued formal notice to sites that use the Google Analytics system…
the support of Nicolas Sarkozy, an issue for Valérie Pécresse
The Les Républicains candidate for the French presidential election in April, Valérie Pécresse, needs the support of former head of state Nicolas Sarkozy. Despite his controversial record, the latter remains…
François Ozon dares Fassbinder, but remains in his shadow
With a strong cinematographic gesture, François Ozon opened the Berlinale 2022 on Thursday February 10. “Peter von Kant” aims to be a modern and enriched adaptation of “The bitter tears…
Senator Ravier threatens to leave the National Rally for Zemmour
Towards a new start at the National Rally? The only senator from Marine Le Pen’s party has taken a step closer to breaking up. The Marseillais Stéphane Ravier could join…
2022 Olympic Games medal table: France out of the top 10
MEDAL JO. Without a new gold medal, the French Olympic team is falling back in the hierarchy of these 2022 Olympics and is now out of the top 10. Summary…