Tag: formation
The municipal formation process explained: what do scouts, informateurs and formateurs do?
A Brabant scout in Utrecht, the Wijk mayor as a scout in Culemborg and a Member of Parliament who serves as an informer in Amersfoort. Now that the municipal formation…
The Utrecht formation is going to be a tough one, with the Rijnenburg polder as the largest split point
During a debate last week on RTV Utrecht, party leader Maarten Koning of D66 indicated that this issue could be a breaking point for the formation. “If you are serious…
What Curiosity tells us about Mars’ soil formation
In the Gale crater, the Curiosity rover continues to provide us with information on the geology of Mars, on its past environment and in particular on the presence of water.…
New research into file formation on out-of-home placement of children
Youth protection suffers greatly due to labor problems and waiting lists, but investigations and files should not suffer as a result. “To prevent forced out-of-home placement, it is important that…
The formation of supermountains would have impacted the evolution of life on Earth
By tracking zircons with a low lutetium content, Australian researchers have succeeded in identifying the formation, during the history of the Earth, of two “supermountains” rising more than 8 km…
Digital skills: 350 million to fill the gap
(Finance) – 350 million euros in three years put in place by foundations of banking origin to try to fill the digital skills gap of Italians: was born on Fund…
This discovery opens a new window on the early ages of star and galaxy formation
The newly launched James-Webb Space Telescope is expected to allow astronomers to probe the far reaches of the Universe in search of its oldest stars. But the discovery made by…
The formation of diamonds is linked to the fragmentation of supercontinents
Diamonds are formed in the bowels of the Earth, at very great depth and high temperature. They rise to the surface through volcanic eruptions. They are thus found prisoners of…
Formation of the Solar System: news on the origin of Mars and the Earth
Some cosmochemists suspected that the Earth and Mars would have formed by accreting significant amounts of matter from the regions where the giant planets were born. Showing that this was…
The formation of diamonds is linked to the great tectonic cycles
Diamonds are formed in the bowels of the Earth, at very great depth and high temperature. They rise to the surface through volcanic eruptions. They are thus found prisoners of…