Tag: fleas
It is through a simple press release that Apple has just announced the arrival of its new tablets, the iPad Air M3 and the classic ipad 2025. No revolution, but welcome and, above all, more powerful fleas.
It is through a simple press release that Apple has just announced the arrival of its new tablets, the iPad Air M3 and the classic ipad 2025. No revolution, but…
Security researchers have discovered two flaws in Apple fleas that equip many models of recent mac, iPhone and iPad. If it recognizes the problem, the apple firm believes that there is no immediate danger.
Security researchers have discovered two flaws in Apple fleas that equip many models of recent mac, iPhone and iPad. If it recognizes the problem, the apple firm believes that there…
Why does the area where fleas bite feel so itchy? What is good for flea bites?
Flea bites usually appear as small red spots or blisters in the areas where the fleas bite. As you itch, these areas can become scratched and infected. Because fleas are…
Dogs and cats: the fight against fleas goes green
Carnage in the cage. To get rid of the red mites that bite canaries, parakeets and doves, simply place a slew of mites – androlaelaps casalis – on the perches.…
War in Ukraine: what impact on semiconductors?
Invaded by Russia since Thursday, Ukraine represents 90% of the production of neon, an essential gas in the production of semiconductors. On the Russian side, the country produces 35% of…