Tag: Fivoor
Fivoor hints at a lawsuit against the municipality of Zeist to prevent the relocation of a forensic psychiatric clinic
Zeist – Healthcare institution Fivoor is considering taking legal action against the municipality of Zeist. The clinic wants to move to the Sanatorium site in Zeist, but the municipality is…
Fivoor calls for space for a forensic psychiatric clinic: ‘We have nowhere to go’
And this means that the last location for the Fivoor clinics is also out of the picture. What now? “I don’t know that right now either,” says Masthoff. “The only…
De Bilt makes the arrival of new forensic clinics such as Fivoor more difficult: ‘Putting up barricades to keep patients away, I find that really shocking’
Yet that fear seems to be precisely the reason that De Bilt is now, in a closed meeting, making the arrival of new forensic care institutions more difficult. Difficult, but…
After a bad start, psychiatric clinic Fivoor in Bilthoven has recovered: ‘They are pleasant neighbours’
A direct contact has been appointed from the Berg en Bosch school, so that a report can be made immediately if the school sees something that does not seem to…