Tag: Fitch
Fitch, MPS’s OPS places risks for Mediobanca’s network
(Finance) – The MPS OPS on Mediobanca, “If it were successful, would put risks of execution and could damage the Mediobanca network”. Fitch Ratings writes it in a note on…
Fitch confirmation “BBB+” rating by Enel and Endesa with stable outlook
(Finance) – Fitch Ratings has confirmed the Long-Term Issuer Default Rating (Idr) of the Italian energy giant Enel and the Spanish subsidiary Endesa A “BBB+“. The outlooks remain stable. The…
Unipol Assicurazioni, Fitch assigns IFS rating “A-“, improves debt rating
(Finance) – Fitch Ratings assigned to the Italian insurer Unipol Insurance (previously Unipol Gruppo) a Insurer Financial Strength (IFS) rating of “A-” (Strong)upgraded its senior bond rating from “BBB” to…
Almaviva, Fitch confirms “BB” rating with stable outlook
(Finance) – Fitch Ratings confirmed the Long-Term Issuer Default Rating (IDR) of Almaviva to “BB” with outlook “stable“. Almaviva’s rating is driven by its consolidated positions as a leading Italian…
Cassa Centrale Banca, Fitch improves the rating outlook to Positive
(Finance) – The agency Fitch Ratings (Fitch) revised the outlook of Cassa Centrale Bancafrom Stabile to Positive confirming the assigned ratings: Long-Term Issuer Default Rating / Senior preferred debt “BBB-“,…
Fintech Company, Fitch: Margini Expansion will be more modest in 2025
(Finance) – Fitch Ratings has a neutral perspective for 2025 for North American and European Fintech issuerswithout expectations of upgrade or substantial downgrades in the coverage universe. Fintech broadcasters benefit…
Credem, Fitch improves outlook rating to Positive
(Finance) – Fitch Ratings revised the Outlook on the Long-Term Issuer Default Rating (IDR) rating Of Believe me to Positive from Stabile and confirmed the Long-Term Issuer IDR a “BBB”…
CDP, Fitch confirms ratings and revises the outlook to positive from stable
(Finance) – The agency Fitch confirmed the long and short term ratings of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP), BBB and F2 respectively, and revised the Outlook from Stable to Positive.…
MPS, Fitch raises rating to “BB+” with positive outlook
(Finance) – Fitch Ratings has improved the ratings of Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena with an increase of 1 notch, bringing the Long-Term Issuer Default Rating (IDR) to “BB+”…
Fitch, favorable conditions have pushed high-yield issues in Italy
(Finance) – Less cyclical issuers, a limited number of small operations and bonds used as preferred debt instruments have allowed Italian high-yield and leveraged issuers to benefit from favorable conditions…