Tag: fish
Long-time volunteer manager retiring from fish hatchery in Point Edward
Breadcrumb Trail Links News Local News After a quarter century managing the Bluewater Anglers’ fish hatchery in Point Edward, Jake Van Rooyen is retiring from the volunteer post. Published Nov…
Fish counting: More than meets the eye
Breadcrumb Trail Links News Local News Presence of cold-water species was an ‘excellent’ find, says biologist Published Oct 18, 2024 • 3 minute read Local farmer Brad Wilhelm, assistant aquatic…
Here, the fish are filmed and counted at the power plant in Linköping
The camera is located in the so-called fauna passage at the entrance to the Tekniska verken hydropower plant. The counter uses advanced camera technology combined with artificial intelligence that identifies…
Which fish to eat in October? Ministry listed
The Ministry wrote in its post, “It is beneficial to lightly salt the fish before freezing. It preserves the freshness of the meat.” FISHES THAT CAN BE CONSUMED IN OCTOBER…
Watch as the octopuses box uncooperative fish
The results of a new study show that some octopuses have a richer social life than previously thought. Video material shows how octopuses of the species octopus cyanea move together…
Another seal in the Lek: ‘There is good quality fish’
Esther had to look closely on Sunday before it was clear that it was a seal. She first thought it was a rat, then a beaver, but after a while…
Why are so many dead fish washing ashore at Lake Erie beaches?
Breadcrumb Trail Links News Local News Beaches at Port Bruce and Port Stanley were littered with dead fish because of what one expert says is likely a natural cause Published…
Traces of antidepressants in water may affect fish behavior
News Published on 01/09/2024 at 2:02 p.m. updated on 01/09/2024 at 2:02 p.m. Reading 2 min. Water pollution has many consequences for the fauna and flora that inhabit them. Researchers…
A state of emergency for a Greek city filled with dead fish | News in brief
More than a hundred tons of fish carcasses have been collected from the beaches of Vólos during the week. A month-long state of emergency has been declared in Vólos, on…
Hundreds of thousands of dead fish cover the east coast of Greece | Foreign countries
In the area of the city of Vólos, an attempt is made to collect the fish before the mass of rotting fish spreads further. Hundreds of thousands of dead fish…