Tag: Finance
Moderate losses to Wall Street after US inflation
(Finance) – Wall Street moves in a fractional reduction, with the Dow Jones which is leaving 0.46%on the parterre; On the same line, it moves down theS & P-500which loses…
Senegal: the report of the Court of Auditors points to breaches in the management of finance of the country
In Senegal, the public finance situation is alarming. This is the main conclusion of the final report of the Court of Auditors on the management of public money from 2019…
SNAM, the guidelines on the composition of the Board of Directors approved
(Finance) – The Board of Directors of Snammeeting today under the presidency of Monica de Virgiliis, he approved, in line with the recommendations of the Corporate Governance code and in…
Donnarumma (FS), PNRR: “By 2026 we will achieve the expected goals”
(Finance) – “In the next 5 years the FS group plans to invest over 60 billion euros on the development ofinfrastructure and its maintenance. Thirteen of these billions will come…
Essilorluxottica: useful 2024 rises to 2.3 billion (+3%), dividing at 3.95 euros per share
(Finance) – In 2024 Essilorluxottica recorded a net profit of 2.35 billion, up 3% compared to the 2.28 billion of the previous year. THE revenues They go up to 26.5…
Wall Street, Nyse announces sucking in Texas
(Finance) – La Nyse announced that one of his electronic bags, the Nyse Chicagowill be reincorporated in Texas and will be renamed Nyse Texasgiving companies the opportunity to quote their…
Sugar Tax, Scarecio (Italgrob): “worried about Sugar Tax, Well Opening Minister Ciriani”
(Finance) – “Like Italgrob we express ours worry As established by the MEF and the general accounting of the State who gave negative opinion to postponement of the sugar taxa…
Milleproroghe, Aiga: satisfaction for extension enable exam and modification vote
(Finance) – The Italian Association of Young Lawyers (AIGA) The favorable opinion expressed by the Constitutional Affairs Commission of the Senate to the amendments of the “Milleproroghe decree” concerning the…
USA, Powell: Inflation remains to some extent high
(Finance) – The president of the Fed, Jerome Powellsaid that the Federal Reserve He wants to see further progress on the return of inflation to his 2%goal, progress that in…
Europe cautious after US inflation. In Piazza Affari it runs Nexi
(Finance) – Positive session, but cautious for the bags of the old continent. In Milan the focus continues on the banking sector: last night the Popolare di Sondrio said that…