Tag: fatal
Fivoor patients write letter to residents after fatal stabbing: ‘I feel deep compassion’
The full letter: Dear residents of Den Dolder, As a temporary guest in your community and a client at Fivoor, I would like to express my condolences following the tragic…
After the fatal train accidents in home care in Dalarna – The union: Must be investigated
It was the social democratic local and regional politician Nall Lasse Andersson who died last week when his car was hit by a timber train at an unguarded railway crossing…
After the fatal accident – preschool in Umeå replaces reflective vests with armbands
The four-year-old boy was playing in the preschool yard when he got stuck with his reflective vest while riding the slide. He was seriously injured and later died of his…
How should residents of Den Dolder and Fivoor proceed after a fatal stabbing?
“We wanted to build a bridge between the village and the residents of the Willem Arntsz Hoeve,” says Marian Kesler, resident of Den Dolder. “We have an organic market garden…
The fatal mistake you make in traffic: The detail many miss
For that reason recommend National Confederation M Sweden that you wear reflex. DON’T MISS: Our podcast about cars – Under the Hood Makes a big difference – Reflexes make a…
He announced the free dinner invitation on social media! The reason for the fatal stampede at the Umayyad Mosque was revealed: “He slaughtered 50 sheep, made meat over rice and distributed it.”
It turns out that the stampede that resulted in the loss of lives at the Umayyad Mosque occurred when a social media phenomenon slaughtered 50 sheep, made meat on rice…
Den Dolder Clinic deploys extra neighborhood coaches after a fatal stabbing incident
Last night, the mayor of Zeist, Joyce Langenacker, said during a residents’ meeting that she was considering taking measures in response to the stabbing. Until Monday, January 20, Fivoor patients…
Work, Inail: fatal accidents in the first 11 months of 2024 rise to 1,000, those “in progress” are increasing
(Finance) – Based on data published byInail the reports of fatal accidents presented to the Institute in the first 11 months of 2024 were 1,00032 more than the 968 recorded…
Inspectorate is investigating fatal stabbing incident in Den Dolder
A day after the stabbing incident, the police arrested the suspect. He stayed at Fivoor, where he was treated in a closed department for people with mild intellectual disabilities who…
Suspect in fatal stabbing incident Den Dolder has previously attacked passers-by
Last Thursday, a 76-year-old woman died in a stabbing incident. A day later, the police arrested a suspect. He stayed at Fivoor, where he was treated in a closed department…