Tag: facts
Gold Pad 2025: Cold Facts Reviews are nominated
Cold facts Reviews “Undercover in the Troll Factory” and “Raised by another man” is nominated for the Gold Pad.– It feels very fun and honorable to be nominated, says reporter…
Assises of journalism: the place of various facts in the treatment of the news in question
The 18th Assizes of Journalism are held until March 15, 2025 in Tours, in the west of France. And as every year, RFI is a partner of the barometer on…
Here tests Cold Facts Popular Pyrobben
Corresponding to explosions under the blast wave • “Life -threatening products” • Watch the film Pyrotechnist Lars Johannesson takes Kalla Facta’s team to a secluded place in a gravel roof.…
Politician admits to Cold facts: Didn’t read documents
The report from the consulting firm EY is the basis for the criticized proposal to close down large parts of Sollefteå hospital and refer patients to Sundsvall and Örnsköldsvik. Cold…
2025, Time to Deliver: the world tested by facts
(Finance) – The Conference was held this morning in Milan at the Assolombarda headquarters “The world in 2025: time to deliver” organized inpartnership with Assolombarda and SACE, as part of…
These 5 facts surprise even die-hard fans
Hard to believe, but true: For 20 years, TV legend Dr. Bob as a friendly jungle doc in I’m a Celebrity – Get Me Out of Here! to see. With…
Expert surprised by Kalla facts’ revelation
The underwater images show how spiny sharks have been dumped and died in the harbor of Lysekil. It is in the exact same place where nearly 100 sharks and rays…
5 curious facts about the New Year’s Eve classic
“The same procedure as last year, Miss Sophie? Same procedure as every year, James!” Anyone can say these iconic lines. Dinner for One is as much a tradition on New…
5 curious facts about “80-Euro-Waldi”
Walter “Waldi” Lehnertz is a true original at Bares for Rares. He has been on the show since 2013 and always brings laughs and funny moments. Along with Horst Lichter,…
Stellantis, the unions meet Learned: now concrete facts, high expectations on the Mimit table
(Finance) – “To regain Italy’s trust, Stellantis it must move from declarations of principle to concrete facts. We ask for the answers starting from December 17th at the ministerial table,…