Tag: Facebook
Facebook and Instagram will focus on user security
As you may recall, Facebook changed its company name and was named Meta. Now he is trying to make his first moves. According to the latest details, it was said…
META. The Facebook group will change its name to Meta, the services and technologies remaining unchanged. A way to prepare the evolution towards the metaverse, but also to change the brand image of the social network …
META. The Facebook group will change its name to Meta, the services and technologies remaining unchanged. A way to prepare the evolution towards the metaverse, but also to change the…
FACEBOOK FACE RECOGNITION. To everyone’s surprise, the social network has decided to end its automatic facial recognition system. All ID patterns on photos and videos will be removed.
FACEBOOK FACE RECOGNITION. To everyone’s surprise, the social network has decided to end its automatic facial recognition system. All ID patterns on photos and videos will be removed. It is…
Virtual reality headset: what is it?
A virtual reality headset is a portable electronic device that allows you to immerse yourself in a virtual world. Worn on the head, it provides access to a 3D space.…
Facebook: how to clear your search history?
Facebook keeps absolutely all searches made since opening an account. Although this history is only visible to the account holder, some members may wish to maintain their confidentiality by erasing…
Metaverse: Facebook plans to hire 10,000 people to build ‘fictional universe’
Facebook announced that it plans to hire 10,000 people in European Union (EU) member countries to build the “metaverse” (fictional universe), the virtual reality version of the internet, which the…