Tag: eyelash
It saves from astigmatism, myopia and hyperopia in 20 seconds! Without feeling any pain…
The eye is known as our most sensitive organ. For this reason, it is necessary to be very conscious about the operations performed on the eye. Astigmatism, myopia and hyperopia…
He wanted to take a nap, his life got dark! “I was blinded in one eye because of the flesh-eating parasite”
Cases of flesh-eating parasites can be quite surprising. This rare condition can pose a great risk. Mike Krumholz, 21, took a 40-minute nap with his contact lenses on December 19…
Don’t go by saying it’s harmless! This insect causes eye color to change
Foreign substances entering the eye can put eye health at risk. Orthoperus beetle, which causes the color of the pupil to change, creates very risky situations. When this bug gets…
Pay attention to your eye color! Determines which disease you are prone to
The features that emerge in our bodies play an important role in our health. For example, it is known that being overweight increases the risk of many diseases such as…
He just wanted to make cookies! It suddenly exploded in his face… He was almost blinded!
19-year-old Samantha D’Aprile, who lives in the United States, placed the chocolates in a bowl of hot water while baking cookies with her mother in December 2021. The sudden explosion…
Pay attention to these two signs! Begins one week before stroke
A stroke happens when the blood flow to the brain is reduced or interrupted, preventing the brain tissue from getting oxygen and nutrients, and brain cells begin to die within…
Pay attention to the changes in your skin! Great stimulator of dangerous disease
The liver is vital for the body. Minor problems with the liver, which is responsible for filtering toxins from the blood, producing enzymes that help digest food, storing sugar and…
Surprising development! Scientists “printed” eye tissue with a 3D printer
Scientists have found a way to create eye tissue using stem cells and 3D printing, in new research that could revolutionize the treatment of a range of eye diseases! According…
It all started with lazy eye! Died after eye socket removal
British 15-year-old Aleksandra Djelic was just 7 years old when she discovered a lump in her eye in 2016. Aleksandra, who diagnosed herself as a ‘cyst’, revealed that the lump…
Notice the differences in the eyes! Warns about heart disease
Eyes and eye area are the most sensitive parts of our body. Hard, sticky yellow deposits that appear around the eyes are called xanthelasma. While xanthelasma is often considered minor,…