Tag: extraordinary
“There is water everywhere but nothing to drink” – extraordinary floods have taken millions of homes in India and Bangladesh
The area was plagued by severe heat in the spring, and unprecedented monsoon rain began as early as May. According to experts, climate change has made the monsoon season more…
Extraordinary weather phenomenon: noctilucent clouds
In June, it is the time when you can observe bluish clouds which sparkle in the night: these are noctilucent clouds, or noctiluques, cloud formations resulting from icy meteorite dust.…
The death of this extraordinary series hurts the whole genre
It’s like a sad sci-fi story: Raised by Wolves took the big step of being abandoned on a strange planet and exploring new territory. Now the connection to the base…
Extraordinary sci-fi fantasy with a traumatic twist
There are some films that first pretend to be something other than what they actually are. Then all the more for one to hit right in the heartwhen the true…
Extraordinary weather phenomenon: giant hailstones
The thunderstorms the most violent are capable of phenomena worthy of Hollywood disaster films: tornadosudden winds over 100 km/h, torrential rains that flood cities in the space of a few…
You have to see this extraordinary fantasy masterpiece
Nobody loves monsters like Guillermo del Toro. They appear in the most varied of forms in the director’s films, but one thing unites them all: their creator treats the creatures…
China is establishing a military base in that country! They took extraordinary measures to hide
In the news of the American Washington Post newspaper, which is based on “western authorities”, it was claimed that China will build a military base in Cambodia, exclusively for its…
Extraordinary weather phenomenon: the fiery sky
Every sunrise and sunset is different, but some are particularly spectacular and look like a real artist’s painting, or even a sci-fi sky: red, purple, orange, yellow. It happens that…
Extraordinary weather phenomenon: the arcus
A roller cloud, more or less jagged, sometimes appears in front of the most violent storms: it is the arcus, one of the most impressive clouds on the planet. This…
An extraordinary mix of alien portals and love
Amazon Prime Video is currently the best place to go for fans of special and extraordinary science fiction material. After the visually stunning second season Undone and the mystery western…