Tag: extracurricular
The number of extra-curricular activities not to be exceeded for the well-being of children
Extracurricular activities have many benefits for children. As long as you don’t overdo it. Dr. Stéphane Clerget, a child psychiatrist, believes that you should not enroll your child in more…
These 3 original and little-known extracurricular activities could fascinate your child!
News Published on 05/09/2024 at 11:54 updated on 05/09/2024 at 11:54 Reading 2 min. Back to school is over. Now, many parents are concerned about what extracurricular activity their little…
Aid for extracurricular activities: good hobbies and sports, Activ+
Extracurricular activities, whether sporting or cultural, represent a certain financial cost for parents. To help families in need, there are several financial aids. Leisure assistance, Activ+ coupons, Pass’Sport… Here are…