Tag: extra
After the NATO settlement – S calls for an extra meeting with the parliamentary group
The Swedish NATO agreement with Turkey has provoked reactions around the world. On Tuesday, the foreign ministers of Sweden, Finland and Turkey signed the letter of intent with ten points…
OPP urge extra caution amid spate of injuries from regional motorcycle crashes
News Local News A string of motorcycle crashes on Southwestern Ontario roads during the past week, including one that killed a Londoner and another that involved an OPP cruiser, prompted…
Mayors cooperate in extra reception of asylum seekers
The Security Council has emphasized today that the extra crisis emergency shelter will end on 1 October. Then at least one new reception location must have been realized next to…
First reactions promise a Marvel festival of the extra class
The new Thor adventure is one of those MCU films that required fewer worries beforehand. Thor 4: Love and Thunder unites the working trio from the strong predecessor: director Taika…
Launch of the new PS Plus subscriptions: Extra & Premium
PS Plus is changing on June 23rd and will then offer you 3 subscriptions on PS4 and PS5. On MeinMMO we accompany the release, show you the game lists of…
The Norrbotten region is trying to attract staff – increases the compensation for extra passes
On Wednesday, SVT Norrbotten reported that the Norrbotten Region will force all emergency nurses at the emergency department in Gällivare to work 12.5-hour shifts. The reason for this is that…
Damberg (S) sees an extra change budget as an alternative
The Center Party agreed on Monday at the last minute on a pension compromise with the government. But the compromise proposal was stopped in the finance committee. The opposition parties…
One in 500 men carry an extra sex chromosome
The XX or XY chromosomes define the sex of an individual, but in a significant proportion of men, there may be one too many. People XXY or XYY would then…
prices are high, but getting extra oil would require a series of foreign policy humiliations from the West
Rapidly increasing oil production is technically difficult. Producers are also careful not to switch to overproduction in oil. The price of crude oil on the world market has risen sharply…
Grill green – so the grilled vegetable will be extra good
Want to know how to really succeed with the asparagus on the grill? Chef Mattias Larsson takes asparagus to new heights with a simple trick.Here he shows how to make…