Tag: extra
Utrecht takes extra action after nuisance in Lombok, but ‘there is no quick fix’
Area ban or denial of residence? With a residence denial area, the mayor designates a part of the city where there is persistent structural nuisance. Within that area, the police…
Region Västmanland receives 176.6 million in extra government support
During Friday, the government presented the autumn budget and a support package for Sweden’s regions and municipalities. In total, it is about 10 billion in general state subsidies for welfare.…
Extra security when the king is to be celebrated
On Friday, the celebration of the king’s 50 years on the throne begins – several hundred thousand people are expected to come to see the procession and participate in the…
From extra bank profits to expensive flights, Antitrust hearing
(Finance) – Criticism from airlines of the asset decree law on the cost of flights to the islands “It seems to the Authority that they are missing the mark” given…
The women of KuPS stretched out in extra time to a great victory over the Danish champion in the Champions League qualifying tournament
The women of Kuopio Palloseura’s dream of reaching the group stage of the Champions League lives on when the team won 2-1 against the Danish champions in the second half.…
She falls into a coma from an extra hot pepper. Info or intox ? Our expert’s opinion
News Published on 09/05/2023 at 4:44 p.m. Updated 09/05/2023 at 4:44 p.m. Reading 2 mins. in collaboration with Dr Isabelle Bossé (Allergist) According to information reported by the DailyMail, a…
Extra Pessel & Boonen: ‘If we stand up for Silberbauer, FC Utrecht will fire him!’
In this extra episode, the two breed pessimists discuss the dismissal of the trainer in detail. Good move or not? Who should be the long-term successor? And did the club…
Fuels, CNA: cut excise duties using extra revenue
(Finance) – The constant increase in the price of fuels it has a negative impact on tourism and weighs on the entire production system which is going through a phase…
Exciting games available for PS Plus Extra members
This month, PS Plus Extra members will get the opportunity to play several games on release day, and one of them is already getting huge praise. Moving Out 2 is…
Gotland travelers are rebooked for extra tours: “Never experienced anything this big”
The remaining two ferries will soon run shuttle services to and from the mainland – all so that travelers will not be stranded on the island for too long. –…