Tag: expiring
Scrapping quater, next installment expiring: the date
(Finance) – New deadline arriving for taxpayers which are in compliance with the previous payments of the scrapping-quater. The date to be marked in red on the calendar is the…
Telegram CEO Pavel Durov released after expiring detention
Telegram CEO Pavel Durov, who was detained in France, was released recently after his legal detention period expired. Telegram founder and CEO Pavel Durovagainst illegal activities on the platform He…
UniCredit, new bond on the stock exchange: 13-year maturity with a single coupon expiring
(Finance) – UniCredit start one today new bond directly negotiable on the MOT and Bond-X market of the Italian Stock Exchange. The new issue is described as “an innovation on…
Tires are expiring, here’s how to easily check their age
Car tires have a limited lifespan, but too few motorists know how to know their age. Did you know ? Like yogurt, car tires have an expiration date. And as…
The number of visa applications made by Russians to Finland has collapsed – the visas currently in use are rapidly expiring
Russians are granted the most visas to Finland for family reasons, says the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Russian citizens still have around 120,000 visas issued by Finland, but their number…
Superbonus, quick solution for expiring credits: the government ready to give the ok
(Finance) – The government would be ready to approve the solution identified by the supervisor of the Superbonus decree, Andrea de Bertoldi (Fdi), which allows you to register credit on…