Tag: expected
the head of Russian diplomacy Sergei Lavrov expected in the stronghold of President Sassou
The Minister of Foreign Affairs is expected Sunday evening in Oyo, stronghold of the Congolese head of state Denis Sassou Nguesso, 400 kilometers north of Brazzaville, for a two-day visit.…
The president dissolves the Italian parliament – new elections are expected
Italian President Sergio Mattarella has dissolved parliament and new elections are pending after Prime Minister Mario Draghi tendered his resignation. Draghi is believed to lead a transitional government until the…
SMHI warns: After today’s heat shock, torrential rain is expected
On Thursday, the extreme heat came to Sweden – for real. In northeastern Götaland and southern Svealand, it was long predicted that the temperature could exceed the Swedish heat record…
The ECB raised interest rates more than expected, i.e. by 0.5 percentage points
The central bank plans to raise interest rates even more in the fall. It also establishes a new support instrument, which will be used to support indebted countries if necessary.…
FHM: “Death rates are expected to rise”
Published: Less than 40 minutes ago full screenThe number of seriously ill and dead in covid-19 is increasing. Stock Photography. Photo: Johan Nilsson / TT The number of covid patients…
Absolute Stranger Things favorite expected death since season 1 – and survives to this day
With Season 4 ending, Stranger Things fans now have to wait for the final Season 5. Steve Harrington, who has become a favorite character for many as a kind of…
Unpopular prime minister becomes Sri Lanka’s new president, expected to lift country from economic crisis – protesters: “Go home, Ranil!”
Wickremesinghe’s biggest task is to rescue Sri Lanka from the economic crisis that has brought the people to the streets to protest for weeks. In his acceptance speech, he hoped…
Lane reductions expected during Ontario Street and Lorne Avenue resurfacing this summer
News Local News Drivers can expect more traffic delays this summer as Stratford gears up to resurface portions of Ontario Street, Lorne Avenue and CH Meier Boulevard in the city’s…
Worse than expected for Ericsson
The company with 14,000 employees Sweden reports an operating profit of SEK 7.3 billion for the second quarter of 2022. Lower than the approximately 8 million that had been predicted…
Interview with Macron on July 14: sensitive subjects discussed, shocks expected
MACRON SPEECH. The President of the Republic grants an interview this Thursday, July 14, 2022, to TF1 and France 2. The opportunity to present his political agenda, that of the…