Tag: exchange
Racing Force, 60% Formula 1 drivers with Bell helmets
(Finance) – Racing Forcean Italian group active in the sector of safety equipment for motorsport and listed on Euronext Growth Milan, has announced that they will be 12 out of…
Weak markets. Milan dodges sales driven by Enel
(Finance) – The financial session of the European stock exchanges moves downwards, while Piazza Affari resists the wind of sales. The focus is still on the crisis in Ukraine, where…
LME allows nickel price movements up to 12%. Quotes falling
(Finance) – The London Metal Exchange (LME) has increased the maximum limit of increase and decrease for nickel al 12% from 8% starting from today’s session. The price traded on…
Macroeconomic appointments of March 18, 2022
(Finance) – Friday 18/03/2022 00:30 Japan: Consumption prices, annual (previous 0.5%) 05:30 Japan: Services index, monthly (previous 0.1%) 10:00 Italy: Global trade balance (previous 1.1 Billion Euro) 11:00 am European…
Enel: Starace confirms dividend policy, no turbulence impact
(Finance) – It is in the today presented i results 2021 which highlight a cprofit growth and EBITDA on the upper part of the guidance and a solid operational performance…
Covid, Draghi announces the end of the state of emergency: it will end on March 31st
(Finance) – “It will end at the end of March state of emergencyby that date we will dissolve the CTS “. This was announced by the Prime Minister, Mario Draghiduring…
Covid, the number of new cases is slightly increasing: hospitalizations stable
(Finance) – They are 79,895 new infections from Covid in the last 24 hours, according to data from the Ministry of Health (yesterday they were 72,568). The victims instead they…
doValue, Board of Directors approves 2021 financial statements. Dividend rises
(Finance) – The Board of Directors of doValue approved the draft financial statements 2021, which will be submitted for approvalof the Shareholders’ Meeting, as well as the Consolidated Financial Statements…
Eni, net profit restated to 5,821 million euros
(Finance) – The Board of Directors of Eni approved the consolidated financial statements and the draft financial statements of Eni for 2021 which respectively close with theNet income of 5,821…
MPS, Moody’s confirms rating and concludes review with stable outlook
(Finance) – Moody’s confirmed the long-term deposit rating of MPS and its wholly owned subsidiary MPS Capital Services SpA (MPS Capital Services) to “B1” and the unsecured debt to “Caa1”…