Tag: Evolution
Changes in Earth’s orbit alter the evolution of marine life
We already knew that the eccentricity of the Earth was synchronized with the glacial cycles. French researchers have just discovered that it also governs the evolution of marine life and…
The migratory bird strategy to avoid overheating in flight
Some migratory birds can fly for several days without interruption and therefore without being able to shelter from the sun’s rays. A study carried out on more than 9,000 species…
META. The Facebook group will change its name to Meta, the services and technologies remaining unchanged. A way to prepare the evolution towards the metaverse, but also to change the brand image of the social network …
META. The Facebook group will change its name to Meta, the services and technologies remaining unchanged. A way to prepare the evolution towards the metaverse, but also to change the…
Beasts of science: lemurs have rhythm in their skin
“Bêtes de science” is like a collection of stories. Beautiful stories that tell the living in all its freshness. But also in all its complexity. A parenthesis to marvel at…