Tag: Epidemic
The 2023 flu epidemic finally recedes in January: soon the end?
INFLUENZA 2023. The influenza epidemic is down slightly in early January, but the virus is still circulating very intensely in France. No region is spared. Map and point of situation…
Gastro: 2023 epidemic, duration, contagion, what to eat?
Stomach ache, diarrhea, vomiting… Cases of gastroenteritis are reported in the north of France at the moment. Symptoms, duration of contagion, treatments. What to do in case of gastro? Summary…
Belgium alerts! They officially declared a flu epidemic
It has been reported that the necessary conditions have been met for an official flu epidemic to be declared in Belgium. The Belgian National Institute of Public Health (Sciensano) stated…
Influenza: map, 2023 epidemic, strain, duration, symptoms
FLU 2023. The flu epidemic continues to progress in France. All regions are in red on the map (epidemic phase). You have to get vaccinated and respect barrier gestures because…
Covid-19: why the national monitoring of the epidemic will be distorted at the start of 2023
Between the biology laboratories and the National Health Insurance Fund, nothing is going well. Considering “the dialogue blocked”, the first decided, from January 2, 2023, to no longer report the…
Triple epidemic: are we really in the “week of all dangers”?
The hospital system is currently going through “a week of all dangers” according to the Minister of Health, François Braun, visiting a hospital in Haute-Savoie this Wednesday, December 28. As…
Is the flu epidemic more virulent than in other years?
News Published on 27/12/2022 at 3:01 p.m. Updated 27/12/2022 at 3:01 p.m. Reading 2 mins. If the epidemic peaks of Covid-19 and bronchiolitis seem to have passed, the flu continues…
In the emergency room, the triple epidemic no longer allows patients to be received “in dignified conditions”.
For Dr Caroline Brémaud, it’s a “cry from the heart”. On this morning of Tuesday, December 27, the head of the emergency department of the Laval hospital center (Mayenne) called…
Why general practitioners are going on strike again despite “the triple epidemic”
This is a movement that promises to be less followed than that of early December. The liberal doctors are again called upon to close their offices from this Monday, December…
liberal doctors called to strike despite the triple epidemic
Doctors in the private sector in France are again called upon to close their offices from this Monday, December 26 and until January 2, by the collective “Doctors for tomorrow”.…