Energy: ENEA spin-off created for innovative superconductors, CDP Venture capital invests 900 thousand euros
(Finance) – It’s called Suprema and it is the innovative start-up born as a spin-off of ENEA with the aim of building the largest European plant for the production of…
Security, from ENEA and NATO innovative technologies against CBRN threats
(Finance) – Detect chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) threats remotely and in real time thanks to new generation quantum sensors that allow more precise, reliable measurements based on fewer…
Space, ENEA inaugurates hi-tech module to grow microgreens on the Moon and Mars
(Finance) – Il ENEA Casaccia Research Center he made a hi-tech containers to cultivate in space microgreens such as radish and savoy cabbage. The innovation, developed within the MICROx2 project…
“More books, more free”, ENEA guest at the Libraries of Rome stand
(Finance) – AENEAS participates as a guest of the Libraries of Rome stand at national fair for small and medium publishing “More books, more free”(La Nuvola, Rome EUR, 4-8 December).…
Innovation, Enea: the final event of the IEMAP project on 3 December in Rome
(Finance) – Tuesday 3 December AENEAS organizes the final event in Rome IEMAP project (Italian Energy Materials Acceleration Platform), financed by the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security, which…
Enea unrelated to what happened at the Plutonio Sogin plant
(Finance) – With reference to the case of contamination of the worker at the Sogin Plutonium plant, hosted at the Casaccia Research Center (Rome), ENEA specifies that it is completely…
ENEA at the XVI Friends of the Earth Conference on Energy Efficiency
(Finance) – The optimization of energy consumption, new technologies for sustainability and national energy policies, the contribution of nuclear power to achieving decarbonisation objectives. These are the themes at the…
Health, ENEA coordinates a 1.3 million project to study the development of radiation tumors
(Finance) – Improving knowledge on the mechanisms of radiation-induced tumor development is the objective of DISCOVER project, financed by the EU with over 1.3 million euros and coordinated by ENEA…
Energy, ENEA: “New methodology with AI for forecasting photovoltaic production”
(Finance) – Forecasts of photovoltaic energy production increasingly accurate thanks to artificial intelligence (AI): this is the result obtained by a group of researchers AENEAS who published the study in…
Superbonus, Enea: investments eligible for deduction in October drop to 115.5 billion
(Finance) – The number of certifications relating to the Super bonus 110%for energy efficiency interventions, presented by sending the application to Enea on 31 October 2024, was overall equal to…