Tag: empire
Alexander Etkind: “Russia is an empire in decline that will eventually collapse”
“I am not calling for the collapse of the Russian Federation. I am predicting it”, announces Alexander Etkind from the outset in his latest book, Russia against modernity (Polity Press,…
Billionaire influencer Soros’ empire underwent a generational change – this one is “more political than his father” Alexander Soros, 37
Billionaire and political financier George Soros has handed over control of his influential organization network to his son To Alexander Soros that is, for Alex. In this story, we reveal…
“China, dreams and nightmares”, a documentary to understand where the Middle Empire is going
This is the three-part documentary directed by Ilana Navaro and Karim Miské offered by the Franco-German television channel Arte on its video-on-demand and streaming platforms. Three hours of immersion in…
The New Empire rocks the earth
What about the MonsterVerse? It’s been relatively quiet since Godzilla vs. Kong’s theatrical release Cinematic Universe by Warner and Legendary. But the titans have not been up to mischief on…
Roman Empire find on Gotska Sandön | SVT News
Two nearly 2,000-year-old silver coins from the Roman Empire have been found on Gotska Sandön. The findings are considered very unusual. There are two Roman denarii that were found during…
Coins from the Roman Empire found on Gotska Sandön
Published: Less than 40 min ago full screen Coins from the Roman Empire have been found on Gotska Sandön. One of them dates from the regency of Emperor Antoninus Pius.…
Coins from the Roman Empire found on Gotska Sandön
There are two Roman denarii that were found during excavations at Säludden this March, reports Forskning.se. At Säludden there must have been a fishing village from the Middle Ages until…
Reese Witherspoon’s $900 million empire explained
With Daisy Jones and The Six on Amazon Prime Video, Protect them on Apple TV+ and Tiny Beautiful Things on Disney+, three series will start within a few weeks in…
Philippe Claudel, under the dark empire of the human soul
Philippe Claudel, Prix Goncourt des lycéens in 2007 for “Le rapport de Brodeck” and Prix Renaudot in 2003 for “Lesâmes grises”, returns today with “ Dusk » a new novel…
From the land of enlightenment to the empire of darkness
Let’s act urgently in all citizenship so that our poor country recognized yesterday everywhere as the “Country of the Enlightenment” does not become, at the table of the masters of…