Tag: Emmanuel Macron
French victims honored at the Invalides
Four months to the day after the Hamas attacks on Israel, a national tribute was paid on February 7 to the 42 French victims of these attacks. It takes place…
in Paris, a ceremony against the “universal cancer” of anti-Semitism
Four months to the day after the Hamas attack on Israel, which left 1,160 dead including 42 French people, a ceremony chaired by Emmanuel Macron is organized at Les Invalides…
In Sweden, Emmanuel Macron pleads for a stronger Defense Europe
On an official visit to Sweden, Emmanuel Macron pleaded for a stronger Defense Europe, a few days before a decisive European Council for the future of financial support for Ukraine.…
Emmanuel Macron expected in Sweden to discuss economic cooperation and European defense
23 years since a French head of state visited Sweden. Emmanuel Macron will be in Stockholm this Tuesday, in the south of the country. Meetings are planned to strengthen economic…
The immigration law censored but soon promulgated to the great dismay of the French right
The Constitutional Council finally rejected a third of the Immigration bill this Thursday, January 25. Three articles are contested on the substance, thirty-two on the form. The right and the…
The mobilization of farmers spreads in France
Farmers continue to increase their actions this Tuesday, January 23, with new highway blockages. The movement was mourned by the death of a farmer and her daughter in Ariège, hit…
Is there a need for a “civic rearmament” of youth?
It has become Emmanuel Macron’s favorite word: rearmament. Through this formula, the French president intends in particular to reconnect young people with civic-mindedness via several decisions such as the generalization…
Is the moralization of political life a failure?
This is the great controversy of the new French government: the words of the Minister of National Education Amélie Oudéa-Castéra who withdrew her son from public school to place him…
Éric Coquerel, LFI deputy: “I don’t know what Emmanuel Macron’s project is for the nation”
For two and a quarter hours, live on television, Emmanuel Macron gave a major press conference on Tuesday January 16 from the Élysée, during which he presented the actions of…
Emmanuel Macron is “in the position of president-manager with the start-up nation”
Emmanuel Macron had already excluded the left wing of his majority from the Attal government. With his long press conference on Tuesday January 16, the turn to the right is…