Tag: Emmanuel Macron
Anne Dujin, editor-in-chief of Esprit magazine
Pierre-Édouard Deldique welcomes Anne Dujin, editor-in-chief of the magazine Esprit, to his show Idées. In its September 2024 issue entitled: “The Republic in suspense”, the magazine analyzes the political situation…
Antoine Armand and Laurent Saint-Martin, two thirty-something Macronists at Bercy
He will be one of the most exposed ministers in the Barnier government, if not the most exposed. At only 33 years old, the Savoyard Macronist MP Antoine Armand was…
the hot issues awaiting Jean-Noël Barrot at the Quai d’Orsay
France has a new government, and a new Minister of Foreign Affairs, in the person of Jean-Noël Barrot. What are the major issues awaiting him at the Quai d’Orsay? 1…
Prime Minister Michel Barnier’s government finally unveiled
The composition of the French government was revealed this Saturday, September 21, two and a half months after early legislative elections which did not produce an absolute majority in the…
Tense telephone conversation between Emmanuel Macron and Benjamin Netanyahu
A phone call with rather tense exchanges. The conversation between President Macron and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu focused on the escalation of the situation in Lebanon. A diplomatic tension that…
The composition of Michel Barnier’s government is becoming clearer as we await its announcement
The signals seem to be green since the evening of Thursday, September 19, for the announcement of the new government to be made. The meeting organized at Matignon with the…
Why the impeachment process against Emmanuel Macron will not succeed
The impeachment procedure against Emmanuel Macron, brought by La France Insoumise, was deemed admissible this Tuesday, September 17 by the bureau of the National Assembly, which referred it for examination…
Emmanuel Macron’s impeachment procedure validated by the Assembly office
The National Assembly office validated this Tuesday the procedure for the impeachment of Emmanuel Macron filed by a section of the New Popular Front deputies. While France has been waiting…
The suspense continues for a new government, a place becomes available at the Quai d’Orsay
Michel Barnier continued his consultations on Monday 16 September to form a government. A difficult task for the new Prime Minister who aims to form a team ” plural ”…
The urgency of drafting the 2025 finance bill puts pressure on Matignon
Michel Barnier is still looking for his ministerial team, but time is running out. The 2025 finance bill that was due to be presented on October 1st could be postponed…