Tag: Ellos
Ellos in financial crisis – has debts of 1.5 billion
The group, which is based in Borås and includes the Ellos and Jotex brands, is currently in negotiations for a debt of SEK 1.5 billion since a bond expired during…
Harsh criticism of Ellos – accused of deceiving customers
Anyone who shops online at Ellos is offered a private loan under the slogan “A loan to make it happen”. The advertisement further states: “We are there for you, also…
Stole underwear worth 39 million from Lindex and Ellos
Updated 00.44 | Published 2023-10-29 23.07 Share the article Save the article full screen Photo: Duygu Getiren/TT Over two nights, the thieves raided Lindex’s warehouse. Three containers were stolen –…
Ellos Eatnu vuittii golbma Amandabálkkašumi
– Mun háliidan dadjat ahte olmmošvuoigatvuođaid rihkkun lea ain dáhpáhuvvamin. Odne lea 677 beaivvi dan rájes go Fovse-duopmu celkui Alimusrievttis, logai Giæver go oaččui bálkkašumi. Oktiibuot lei «Ellos Eatnu» filbma…