Tag: electric
What is the range of an electric scooter?
Quiet, clean and easy to maintain, the electric scooter is on the rise and could very well replace your old thermal two-wheeler for your daily trips. Make sure, however, of…
The MICRO X21 electric scooter for less than 200 € on Cdiscount!
Electric scooters are great for getting around town easily. They are compact, light and can be easily stored, which is ideal for using public transport. Cdiscount has decided to cut…
Good deal: the 26 ‘Velobecane electric bike reduced to -550 € on Cdiscount
Did you know there is a shortage of bicycles right now? The shops are out of stock. But at Cdiscount currently, this electric model is indeed available with a reduction…
Good deal Cdiscount: € 199 savings on the MOOVWAY electric mountain bike
Want to take the air by bike? On Cdiscount many promotions are available and we will find you the best offers. The MOOVWAY electric mountain bike shows a reduction of…
The Work Velobecane electric bike for only € 649.99 on Cdiscount!
Are you looking for a folding and compact electric bike? Velobecane is a French brand specializing in the electric bicycle sector, the company has a warehouse in Lille for the…
Good deal: the AOVO electric scooter in reduction at -79 € on Cdiscount
Do you want to get around town quickly and easily? Electric scooters are lighter than bicycles and this is one of the reasons for its success, since it can be…
Toyota finally goes electric by announcing 17 concepts
The champion of the hybrid car will make a detour by the electric. Toyota has presented a very ambitious plan with no less than 17 concepts of zero emission vehicles.Indeed,…
Amazon good deal: the HITWAY electric bike at only € 679.99
Have you ever thought about investing in an electric bicycle? Electric bikes are very popular for getting around town without needing to use the car, they help us climb hills…
Will you fall for the Tesla Electric Kids’ Cyberquad?
Pending the entry into production of the Cybertruck at an unspecified date, You’re here and Elon musk once again flaunt their keen marketing skills with a new surprise vehicle. It…
Good deal electric bike: 651 € discount on the folding Ebike-Samebike
The range of electric bikes has grown over time, mountain bikes have appeared on the market and subsequently we have seen the appearance of folding bikes! This small bike is…