Tag: Eggs
Scientists have revised their copy: here is the number of eggs we can eat per week (that many?)
Egg yolk is one of the richest sources of dietary cholesterol, hence the fact that it has long been demonized. Boiled, hard, fried… Everyone has their preferences but the egg…
Meat, fish, eggs…: What is the best time of day to eat them?
News Published on 05/20/2024 at 11:20 a.m. Updated 05/20/2024 at 11:20 a.m. Reading 2 min. in collaboration with Alexandra Murcier (Liberal dietician-nutritionist) Do you love scrambled eggs for breakfast? Or…
Possible mosquito plague: ‘they come out of the water, fly into your bedroom, grab your blood and lay eggs in the gutter again’
May was a wet month and the buzzing animal thrives on that. The mosquito radar warns of nuisance these days. Mosquito expert Bart Knols thinks it is “terrible” that the…
Spit, eggs and punches – politicians face more violence than before in these EU elections | Foreign countries
BERLIN Green MP Marie Kollenrott was slightly injured last Saturday in Lower Saxony when a 66-year-old man punched him three times in the upper body. Before that, the man had…
New law in Ukraine: Free for soldiers to freeze sperm or eggs
During the short leaves, Iryna and Oleksandr did not manage to get pregnant. When he was injured, the couple decided to undergo IVF treatment. He wants to return to the…
Jesse Puljujärvi, who is in a great mood, was hot for the outrageous trick: “Straight to the eggs” | Sport
Jesse Puljujärvi scored two goals and got hit between the legs. Suomalaištahti did not digest the action of the NHL defender. Simo Arkko, Jussi Saarinen The Ice Hockey World Cup…
This young woman almost died because of a worm that laid eggs in her abdomen
News Published on 05/17/2024 at 2:31 p.m. Updated 05/17/2024 at 2:31 p.m. Reading 2 min. A 33-year-old woman almost died after a worm laid eggs in her liver. The story…
Unrest again in Overvecht: fires, destruction and officers pelted with eggs
Utrecht – A group of about fifty to a hundred people caused unrest in the Utrecht district of Overvecht last night. They committed vandalism, threw fireworks and started fires. They…
This 3-number rule is worth remembering to cook your eggs to perfection
This three-digit rule for cooking soft-boiled, soft-boiled or hard-boiled eggs will change your life! We like eggs soft-boiled for breakfast, hard-boiled in a nice salad or a sandwich, soft-boiled when…
Here is the perfect sauce to enhance your hard-boiled eggs according to Cyril Lignac
This spring recipe from chef Cyril Lignac, which can be made in a quarter of an hour, will make your hard-boiled eggs delicious. We love hard-boiled eggs as a starter,…