Chair dance: Member of Parliament D’Hondt becomes alderman Bunnik, ex-alderman De Boer from Eemnes succeeds her
De Boer is not entirely new in the Provincial Council. Before she joined the Eemnes college two years ago, she had been part of the Utrecht States faction for over…
Thanks to drones, lapwing eggs do not end up in the lawn mowers of Eemland farmers
And that protection is paying off. Collective Eemland manages half of the 5000 hectares of farmland in Eemland. In addition to flying drones, Huijegens can also praise his own, because…
Alderman candidates Eemnes known, Theo Reijn will stay anyway
The return of the experienced Reijn as alderman is remarkable. In November he announced that he thought it was time to clear his agenda. He said there was no second…
Salvage work on A27 ends, highway from Eemnes junction closed until 14.30
Rijkswaterstaat reported at 13:51 that the work is taking longer than expected. “There is still a load of potting soil in the verge that is being cleaned up and in…
Delay threatens for murder case against man from Baarn who strangled girlfriend in holiday home
And it may also be desirable to observe the suspect in the Pieter Baan Center. In that case, the case would be delayed for many more months. That would be…
Eemnes junction not closed next weekend, work postponed due to winter weather
In total, the node would be tackled for seven weekends in the coming period. The node is thus refurbished part by part. The job will include laying 8.3 kilometers of…
Motorist drives in burning car on A27 near Eemnes
The motorist was warned with flashes of light that his car was on fire from below and stopped the car in the parking lot of a gas station. Passers-by tried…
Eemnes junction will be closed seven times for work in the near future
The closures are on the weekends of April 1, April 8, April 22, April 29, May 19, June 10 and June 17. They usually last from 9pm Friday to 5am…
‘Stupid!’ Eemnes ends this council term insulting
In the motion, the municipal council calls on the municipal executive to actively look for possibilities to receive refugee Ukrainians in Eemnes with neighboring municipalities. The call was an initiative…
Eemnesser with large collection of banned firearms: ‘Hobby got out of hand’
After a tip about arms trade, the police decided to raid the man’s house on the Meentweg on 10 July 2020. According to the prosecutor, the weapons were scattered throughout…