Tag: Economy
ATON Green Storage, Board of Directors approves 2022 budget
(Finance) – The Board of Directors of ATON Green Storage, operating in the engineering and production market of energy storage systems for photovoltaic plants, it approved the Budget for the…
ASPI, Olivieri elected President and Tomasi confirmed as CEO
(Finance) – It met today the ordinary Assembly of Autostrade per l’Italiareconstituted following the suspension which took place on 28 April last, in view of the finalization of the acquisition…
Carige, shareholders’ meeting on 15 June for the transfer of governance to Bper
(Finance) – The Board of Directors of Banca Carige acknowledged the communication received from the controlling shareholder, Fondo Interbank di Tutela dei Depositi (“FITD”), with which the FITD expressed the…
Fisco, de Nuccio: “Accountants await clarification on rejected building bonus applications”
(Finance) – The Superbonus 110% and the credit transfer institution creates new difficulties for accountantswho ask the Revenue Agency for comfort on the possibility of solve telematic difficulties (and not)…
Imprese, Aiello: “PhD needs to increase knowledge of one’s skills and aptitude for teamwork”
(Finance) – The Emblem Foundation was born with the aim of “improve the employment of PhDs highlighting how fundamental it is to act on job orientation within doctoral programs ”…
“Zero Covid” and Ukraine make China less attractive for EU businesses
The “zero Covid” policy in China and the war in Ukraine make the Chinese market less attractive for European companies. This is the conclusion of a study published this Thursday,…
Art, active “SmARTbot”: the new digital assistance web service for users
(Finance) – From today, a new digital assistance service (chatbot), called «smARTbot“. It is a softwaredeveloped with CSI Piemonte, which allows the Authority to provide digital assistance in real time…
Digitouch rises to 100% of Digitouch Technologies (formerly Meware)
(Finance) – DigiToucha company listed on Euronext Growth Milan and specialized in Cloud Marketing and Digital Transformation, has bought the last 20% of the capital of Digitouch Technologies (formerly Meware),…
Innovation and environmental sustainability, Iren joins Tech4Planet
(Finance) – Iren joins Tech4Planetthe first National Technology Transfer Center dedicated to environmental sustainability, born on the initiative of CDP Venture Capital Sgr with i Polytechnics of Milan, Turin and…
Norway, central bank leaves rates unchanged at 0.75%
(Finance) – The central bank of Norway unanimously decided to keep the reference rate unchanged at 0.75%, respecting the expectations of the market. “Based on the Committee’s current assessment of…