Tag: Economy
PMI, in 2021 revenue jump but war slows recovery
(Finance) – Although 2021 closed with a jump in revenues and profits for Italian small and medium-sized enterprises, a trend confirmed also in the first quarter of 2022, the “strong…
H-Farm, Paolo Bergamo joins the Board of Directors
(Finance) – The shareholders’ meeting of H-Farman innovation platform listed on Euronext Growth Milan, ha appointed Paolo Bergamo as new member of the board of directors. Paolo Bergamo is CEO…
Sales in Milan prevail, in line with other European markets
(Finance) – Negative day for Piazza Affari, which closed the trading down, together with the other Eurolistini. The sell-off that has been affecting the US markets in the last two…
Sanctions, Greminger: Possible “significant long-term effects” on the Russian economy
(Finance) – More than 70 days since the Russian invasion of Ukraine and Moscow they arrive signals that are anything but reassuring. With the stop to the supply of gas…
Generali becomes majority shareholder in the Non-Life insurance JV in India
(Finance) – General has completed the acquisition by Future Enterprises Limited del 25% of the shares of Future Generali India Insurance (FGII)thus coming to hold one participation of about 74%…
OPA Falck Renewables, subscriptions over 15.3%
(Finance) – As part of the takeover bid (OPA) fully compulsory promoted by Green BidCo (vehicle of the Infrastructure Investments Fund) on the shares Falck Renewables, it appears that today,…
Buzzi Foundation, the “Punto Lilla” project is born in Milan
(Finance) – The Obstetrician-Gynecological Clinic of the Buzzi Hospital in Milanwith the support and collaboration of Buzzi Foundation, will open on Wednesday 11 May the Lilac point, the space for…
Nusco, revenues jump to 7.4 million euros in the first quarter of 2022
(Finance) – Nuscoa company listed on the Euronext Growth Milan market and active in the fixtures sector, recorded revenues of 7.4 million euros in the first quarter of 2022, up…
OVS, information on the share buy-back
(Finance) – OVS has communicated that it has purchasedbetween April 28 and May 4, 2022, overall 222,871 ordinary shares (equal to 0.077% of the share capital) at the average unit…
Energy, Bonomi: structural measures are needed
(Finance) – “In light of the most recent measures as well they allocate an additional 14 billion euroswe reiterate that we need long-term vision and structural measures for address the…