Tag: Economic policy
The priority of a rational government? Detoxifying France from public spending – L’Express
Summer is pleasant, the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, despite the grumpy ones, was acclaimed by the French (86% of them found it successful, according to Harris Interactive) and…
Behind the joy of the Olympics, the pangs of recession – L’Express
Of course, the party is great. The popular jubilation, the shower of tricolor medals… And this blessed Olympic time during which political quarrels are made mezza voce before the appointment…
“Kamala Harris has no economic thinking” – L’Express
The criticism is vitriolic. And it does not come from the Republican camp but from the left wing of the Democrats: James K. Galbraith is an economist, professor at the…
Lucie Castets at Matignon? What her management of Paris finances really reveals – L’Express
Repeal the pension reform, initiate a “major tax reform”, improve purchasing power, restore public services… In Lucie Castets’ list of priorities, one big absentee: reducing the French debt. The candidate…
Kamala Harris and the “trap” of Biden’s (good) economic record – L’Express
The phrase has become cult. In 1992, James Carville, advisor to the young Democratic candidate Bill Clinton, theorized what would become much more than a campaign slogan: “It’s the economy,…
“After the Olympics, the people of the Paris region will see that we have improved their daily lives” – L’Express
From her offices in Saint-Ouen, now that the construction site is finished, Valérie Pécresse admires the view: “Trees and cycle paths,” she smiles. “When you remember what it was like…
France would do well to take inspiration from Greece – L’Express
Keeping an eye on Greek economic policy is relevant for two reasons. Firstly because France, from its citizens to its political class, is not interested in the issue of public…
between untenable promises and pressure from Brussels – L’Express
Continue to serve the State. At all costs. Continue to calculate, evaluate, construct scenarios, run mathematical models full of equations. Continue, yes, but for what? And for whom? Since the…
After the legislative elections, what business leaders should keep in mind, by Nicolas Bouzou – L’Express
A fallacy among employers’ representatives is to repeat that the economy does not like uncertainty. This is a shame, because uncertainties are multiplying. There is one, already fundamental, that which…
The company is one of the last democratic ramparts in France, by Pierre Gattaz – L’Express
It is surprising to note that the company, an essential pillar of our economy, has been largely neglected in the political “debates” of the recent elections. There was much talk…