Tag: Ebba
Susanne Nyström: Ebba Busch’s offer is a shameful offer that goes straight through the box
A printout from Dagens Nyheter, 2022-06-06 01:52 The article’s original address: https://www.dn.se/ledare/susanne-nystrom-ebba-buschs-erboðande-ar-ett-skambud-som-gar-rakt-genom-rutan/ Updated Yesterday 22:53 Published Yesterday 22:50 It is doubtful whether anyone became wiser by TV4’s party leader debate.…
Criticism of Ebba Busch “Incredibly ignorant”
The high-profile lawyer and former KD leader Peter Althin goes to great lengths to attack Ebba Busch. He thinks that the party should change its name to “Far Right”. –…