Tag: drivers
Analysis: One driver determines the driver’s game in the World Rally Championship – direct words from Jari-Matti Latvala about Sami Pajar | Sport
Autumn is already far away, but the driver positions for the next season of the World Rally Championship are still open. Only Hyundai has announced contracts for next season. Thierry…
For several months, a European regulation has imposed a new type of brake light in all new vehicles. A safety device that should inform drivers of emergency situations and limit the accidents that result from them.
For several months, a European regulation has imposed a new type of brake light in all new vehicles. A safety device that should inform drivers of emergency situations and limit…
Which drivers have the fastest reaction times?
News Published on 09/22/2024 at 11:03 a.m. updated on 09/22/2024 at 11:03 a.m. Reading 1 min. A British study shows a very slight difference in reaction time to road hazards…
New mandatory requirement for obtaining a driver’s license
The Swedish Transport Agency has drawn up a proposal to improve driver training in Sweden, which was submitted to the government today. The proposals are the result of an investigation…
This sign surprises many drivers, here’s what to do when you see it
Not always well understood by motorists, this sign nevertheless indicates a possible danger. In response to the explosion in the use of bicycles as a means of transport in large…
In Kenya, VTC drivers on strike for better pay
In Kenya, drivers of digital taxi platforms are on strike. This Monday, September 9, there were about 4,000 of them on strike in Nairobi, according to the Online Drivers Organization.…
1.3 million for BMW drivers in Switzerland
Keeping too short a distance to the car in front is not only illegal, but can also be a direct traffic hazard, and in Sweden can lead to a fine…
Stress and involuntary long breaks – everyday life for the bus drivers
According to the Swedish Transport Agency’s new report, 8,100 new bus drivers are needed over the next three years. Bus drivers are in short supply, and according to Habiba Sadjadi,…
They get the driver’s license for free – here’s why
The road to a driver’s license can be long and winding. It can also be very expensive, even for those who do not take a lot of driving lessons. Taking…
Traffic psychologists: ‘Drivers want to be the smartest and especially not lose’
Another Friday of work on the A2. Have lessons been learned from the traffic jams of the past two weeks? Do motorists take all warnings seriously or do they simply…