Tag: Djalali
Ahmadreza Djalali from Evin Prison: Still Helpless
Sentenced to death KI researcher criticizes the government • “Doesn’t seem to be a priority for them” When the Swedes Johan Floderus and Saeed Azizi were released last year in…
Djalali was mock executed in the notorious prison in Iran
The Swedish-Iranian researcher Ahmadreza Djalali, sentenced to death, has been subjected to mock executions in Evin prison in Iran.That is what the close friend and fellow prisoner Siamak Namazi writes…
Ahmadreza Djalali is on hunger strike in prison in Iran
Updated 20.52 | Published 20.37 share-arrowShare unsaveSave expand-left full screenAhmadreza Djalali has been imprisoned in Iran since 2018. Photo: Private The sentenced to death KI researcher Ahmadreza Djalali was not…
Amnesty is critical of Djalali not being included
share-arrowShare unsaveSave expand-left full screen Anna Johansson, Secretary General of Amnesty Sweden. Archive image. Photo: Henrik Montgomery/TT Swedish Amnesty criticizes the fact that the Swedish-Iranian researcher Ahmadreza Djalali is not…
European Parliament: Release Djalali – DN.SE
She then demanded that Iran immediately release the doomed Swedish-Iranian researcher Ahmadreza Djalali. – The death penalty is not a deterrent to serious crimes. It is an unacceptable denial of…