Tag: ditch
Emmanuel Macron – Donald Trump: despite the acoces, a “growing ditch” – l’Express
“They joked, held the hand, but did not agree on the question of Ukraine,” sums up from Washington the site Politicoabout the meeting between Donald Trump and Emmanuel Macron at…
Truck in the ditch – man life -threatening injured
Share-Arrowela UNSaveSpara Expand-Left The full screen was seriously injured when the truck he was driving went in the ditch. File image. Photo: Christine Olsson/TT A man in his 30s was…
Bus in the ditch on the E4 at Ljusvattnet – passers-by kicked passengers out
The bus ended up in the ditch for an unknown reason. A passer-by stopped to look at the bus and then saw that there were many passengers on board. The…
The pizzas ended up in the ditch – then the police moved out
The police in Hudiksvall jumped in as pizza delivery men after the regular food delivery man ran off the road and overturned. “To avoid that the ordered pizzas would be…
The pizzas ended up in the ditch – then the police moved out
share-arrowShare unsaveSave expand-left full screen The police didn’t want the customer to be without their pizzas. Archive image. Photo: Pontus Lundahl/TT The police in Hudiksvall jumped in as pizza delivery…
Man to hospital – stuck under car in ditch
See Tommy’s unlikely candle decorations – for senior year 1:30 Three news you must not miss Man to hospital – stuck under car in ditch Man to hospital – stuck…
Truck in the ditch – Latest news – fast news from Aftonbladet
Alarm about explosions in central Stockholm 0:29 Truck in ditch An accident has occurred north of Strängnäs. It is about a truck that ended up in the ditch and the…
Fell asleep at the wheel and drove a school bus into the ditch – drivers are fined
On October 23, a traffic accident occurred on Bergnäset in Luleå. It turned out to be a bus loaded with several school children. The bus driver, a man in his…
Police car in ditch after car chase
Here, the local parliament in Georgia is being stormed THREE NEWS YOU CAN’T MISS Police car in ditch after car chase Both a police patrol and the car it targeted…
Drove a school bus into the ditch outside Luleå – the driver is charged
It was on October 23 that the traffic accident occurred on Bergnäset. The bus was loaded with several school children, but no one was physically injured after the derailment. Stina…