Tag: diseases
Everyone is making this mistake! It lays the groundwork for diseases, what is the right sleeping position?
Sleep is among the most important needs for resting the body and mind that are tired during the day. There are many different sleeping positions. In order to fall asleep…
It creates anticancer, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and hypolipidemic effects! What diseases is turmeric good for?
Metabolic syndrome is not a disease per se; It is a disease that brings serious problems in the continuation of problems such as high blood pressure, high blood glucose, unhealthy…
Health risks: “80% of emerging diseases are zoonoses”
Brigitte Autran, an immunologist specializing in vaccines and HIV, has just been appointed president of the committee for monitoring and anticipating health risks. This body replaces the Scientific Council created…
It is good for the thyroid, protects against cancer, reduces the risk of heart diseases… The surprising benefits of dill
Dill, which is a store of vitamins and minerals, is good for the digestive system and accelerates the metabolism. There are many questions in mind about dill and dill consumption.…
Your smile warns of diseases! If it looks like this…
Oral and dental health affects many areas in terms of both social and health. Sensitive teeth are damaged when they are not cleaned enough, when harmful foods and beverages are…
The biggest cause of sudden death in children is heart diseases. What are the symptoms of heart diseases?
Thousands of child deaths occur every year. Neglecting children’s health, not being diagnosed and treated early increases the probability of sudden death. Pediatric Cardiology Specialist Prof. Dr. Selami Süleymanoğlu pointed…
Zika, dengue, malaria: half of infectious diseases will be more severe in the future
You may also be interested [EN VIDÉO] Zika Public Health France has published data highlighting the resurgence of certain exotic diseases in France. Including the Zika virus which was identified…
Climate change could aggravate more than half of human infectious diseases
You may also be interested [EN VIDÉO] A new coronavirus from dogs capable of infecting humans Researchers found an as-yet-unknown coronavirus in samples from a child hospitalized in Malaysia in…
Artificial intelligence to fight against the diagnostic wandering of rare diseases
Explore the interviews of researchers, photographers, travelers who witnessed a world that is changing under the yoke of global warming. You will also be interested [EN VIDÉO] Interview: how was…
Pesticides: the long fight of farmers to have their diseases recognized
For Marine*, it started in July 2016. At the time, this agricultural worker spent her nights criss-crossing the vineyards of the Hérault farms, spraying a mixture of pesticides intended to…