Tag: discovered
AI could have discovered Karin’s breast cancer earlier: ‘That would have been breast-conserving’
Karin hopes that the technology will be widely used. “In population screening, at hospitals. I hope that it will become standard that mammography is examined with AI.” This has everything…
7 newly discovered species of frogs have been named after Star Trek captains – and the reason is the best part
There have been many scientific discoveries based on characters, stars and concepts from the long-running sci-fi franchise Star Trek named. For example, some insects and sea creatures bear the names…
A new tick-borne virus has been discovered! Watch out for the first symptoms
To understand the cause of the disease and find the virus responsible for the disease, researchers sequenced genetic material from a blood sample. They found a previously unknown virus. This…
New type of bluetongue discovered in Utrecht: ‘Feels like we’re back to square one’
The virus was found in a sheep in Kockengen and a cow with a calf in Harmelen. This type has not previously occurred in the Netherlands, but is prevalent in…
The scientific world is talking about this news! Artificial intelligence was used, thousands of new virus types were discovered
According to the statement made on the University of Sydney’s website, researchers from many institutes, including the University of Sydney and the National Natural Science Foundation of China, discovered 161…
A new species of tailed frog has been discovered! The frog was named ‘Fire-Bellied Salamander’, research continues in the region
A new species of tailed frog was discovered in a national park in China’s Jiangxi province. The species discovered at the top of a 2,000-meter-high mountain was named ‘Fire-Bellied Salamander’.…
Hidden Boss Discovered in Fallout 4
Fallout 4 fans have discovered a hidden ghoul boss that was thought to have been removed. It is highly debated why this massive enemy was removed from the game. A…
Scientists discovered! Possibility of habitability on Ceres, the dwarf planet located between Mars and Jupiter
According to Invers.com, in their research, scientists found that some organic substances necessary for life may have formed in an ocean on the dwarf planet Ceres. The dwarf planet Ceres,…
Scientists discovered! Research revealed: Men’s brain shrinks at a certain hour
A team of researchers who scanned a 26-year-old man’s brain 40 times over 30 days discovered that men’s brains shrink at 8 p.m. and return to normal throughout the night.…