Tag: digestive system
The disease makes you forget the way to the doctor! The superfood of winter months that raises immunity to the top
The winter season has come. Cold weather causes heavier meals and increased inactivity. These two often impair gut health. Winter months are the months when many digestive system diseases, especially…
Miraculously effective in cancer treatment, anti-diabetes! Small but big impact
Although soybean is very useful, it is not consumed often. Soybean, which has an important place in cancer treatment thanks to the high antioxidants it contains, is seen as an…
The benefits of buckwheat are countless: Its small but great effect!
The buckthorn fruit ripens in sun-drenched places throughout the summer. Spinach, which is ready to eat in the autumn months, is consumed with pleasure. There are still many people who…
Think twice before throwing it away! Miraculous benefits of walnut shell
Walnuts, which are the most used nuts in desserts, are loved by everyone. Walnut shell, which is known to have many benefits for heart and brain health thanks to the…
Don’t throw it away! Purifies the blood, protects against cancer
Grapes are among the most refreshing fruits in summer. Each type of grape has different benefits. The benefits of grape seeds, which are usually thrown away, do not end with…
Do not confuse with other conditions: Crohn’s disease is very dangerous! What are the symptoms of Crohn’s disease?
Society does not have enough information about Crohn’s disease. However, Crohn’s disease is one of the most difficult diseases that take over the entire body system. Chron’s disease is an…
Hiatus hernia: what is it?
The most common lesions of the digestive system are hiatus hernias. We speak of a hiatus hernia when the upper part of thestomach rises in the chest. In normal times,…