Tag: description
Description of Omicron variant from Uğur Şahin: It is clear that it can infect vaccinated people
While the number of people infected by Kovid-19, which was seen in Wuhan, China, in late 2019, worldwide exceeded 260 million, the number of people who died due to the…
Biden’s Chief Health Advisor, Fauci, announced by saying “Inevitable”! Scary variant description
“It is inevitable that the Omicron variant will affect the US. It has already been detected in many other countries,” Fauci said on ABC national television. said. “THE MAIN QUESTION…
Russia Statement from the USA: “All Options are on the Table”
A US State Department official said that all options are on the table regarding Russia’s military buildup on the Ukraine border. Karen Donfried, Deputy Minister of European and Eurasian Affairs…