Tag: democrats
In Parakou in Benin, the congress of the Democrats, the country’s main opposition party, is being held
The Democrats, the main opposition party, are in congress this weekend in Parakou, 450 kilometers north of Cotonou. Two subjects are on the agenda: the general elections of 2026 and…
Robert F Kennedy Jr leaves the Democrats – becomes independent presidential candidate
Between 500 and 1,000 people had gathered in front of Independence Hall in Philadelphia, where the United States signed its Declaration of Independence in 1776. “I declare my independence from…
The Social Democrats demand that the government deploys the military
In twelve hours, three people were killed in the latest in a series of acts of violence in Sweden. Now the Social Democrats want the military to be deployed to…
The Sweden Democrats want more in Tidöavtalet 2.0
– The negotiations on Tidö 2.0 are now starting. We have ideas about recording completely new areas in the agreement, but we will have to come back to that. I…
The Sweden Democrats removed the “Goodbye Hassan” post on X
During Tuesday, Ekot reported that the plane with Iraqi citizens took off from Arlanda with destination Baghdad during Tuesday morning. Also on board should have been people from the Prison…
The club: Now the Sweden Democrats rule in Region Blekinge
The decision came after the Christian Democrats chose to leave the coalition with the Social Democrats and the Center Party. Something that aroused strong feelings in the previous board. During…
SVT/Kantar Public: Support for the Sweden Democrats is increasing
The measurement was carried out during the last two weeks of August when the terror threat level was raised and several Koran burnings took place. The only party that is…
Nine social democrats become political savages in Botkyrka
The nine savages will continue to stand behind the local election program but will not do so as members of the Social Democrats in Botkyrka. Marcus Ekman, the chairman of…
Sweden’s opposition demands the resignation of the chairman of the legal committee – considers Sweden Democrats Richard Jomshof’s tweets a security threat
On Sunday, Britain warned its citizens about the risk of a terrorist attack in Sweden. According to the Swedish authorities, there has not been a single change for the worse.…
The Christian Democrats’ Ebba Busch gives a speech in Almedalen 2023
At 19.00 it is KD leader Ebba Busch’s turn to speak in Almedalen.Follow the live broadcast here. Ebba Busch (KD) speaks in Almedalen Earlier on Friday, the Christian Democrats’ party…