Tag: déjà
With each attack, we are stuck in déjà vu, by Abnousse Shalmani – L’Express
One more attack. One more death. Knife, hammer, S file, psychiatric disorders, rule of law, incarceration, Islamic State, lack of monitoring. Dear reader, if you have the impression of having…
Houellebecq and Islam: a bit of deja vu, by Pierre Assouline
Give us that! The scene that will soon play out in court between Michel Houellebecq and Islam in France has a little air of deja vu. The trial will however…
On the front page: a government of continuity, deja vu, or almost…
The disenchantment is palpable. Reading it, the French press clearly remained unsatisfied. ” Minimum risk », summarizes, in the East of France, The Latest News from Alsacethe ” close guard…
How do you explain the feeling of deja vu?
Do you have the impression of having already experienced a new situation? While most people have experienced this feeling of deja vu, its scientific explanation is still not very clear.…