Tag: deficiency
What is vitamin C used for, what are its benefits? What contains vitamin C? Symptoms of vitamin C deficiency
Vitamin C is a vitamin that can be obtained from foods. Foods rich in vitamin C are citrus fruits, broccoli, strawberries, tomatoes, and cabbage. Vitamin C deficiency causes the skin…
What is vitamin B12? What contains vitamin B12? Symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency
The richest sources of vitamin B12 are eggs, milk, yogurt, liver and spleen, and seafood. In vitamin B12 deficiency, the body cannot receive enough oxygen because not enough red blood…
What is vitamin B, what does it do? What contains vitamin B? Symptoms of vitamin B deficiency
Vitamin B, which needs to be supplemented with food in case of deficiency, is mostly found in foods such as grains, legumes, eggs, milk, broccoli, mushrooms, liver, red meat, spinach…
This is the most “characteristic” sign of a magnesium deficiency – it’s time to take a cure
Magnesium deficiency is particularly common from September onwards. Magnesium is an essential mineral involved in many metabolic reactions in the body, particularly in muscle contraction and bone maintenance. When magnesium…
What is vitamin D used for, how much should it be? What contains vitamin D? Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency and diseases seen in vitamin D deficiency
Vitamin D levels below 12 ml are considered low levels. In vitamin D deficiency, muscles become weaker, leading to constant fatigue and teeth may lose their health. In addition, osteoporosis,…
Don’t ignore vitamin B12 deficiency! It causes insomnia and irritability.
Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Specialist and Functional Medicine Practitioner Dr. Müge Yetener reminded that vitamin B12, also known as ‘cobalamin’, is a complex biomolecule that plays a vital role in…
More women are suffering from iron deficiency
share-arrowShare unsaveSave expand-left full screenIron deficiency in women doubles during military service. Archive image. Photo: Ola Torkelsson/TT The number of women with iron deficiency more than doubled after five months…
This deficiency progresses and could increase thyroid problems (especially in women)
The risks are even higher in women. Our Western eating habits have continued to evolve over time, leading to an increase in certain deficiencies in minerals essential for the proper…
What is hypocalcemia (Calcium deficiency), what causes hypocalcemia? Hypocalcemia symptoms and treatment
Calcium is the building block of bones and teeth and supports a number of vital functions in the body. However, it may not always be possible to get enough calcium.…
The expert warned: Both deficiency and excess are harmful! Watch out for these symptoms
Associate Professor, Department of Internal Medicine, Department of Endocrinology. Dr. Kader Uğur gave information about thyroid. “IODINE DEFICIENCY CAUSES GOITR DISEASE” Assoc. Prof. stated that the thyroid gland is a…