Tag: deemed
France forced to bring back an Ivorian after an expulsion deemed illegal
The prefecture of Dordogne has recognized a “ error after the expulsion of a young Ivorian on March 30, according to information revealed by the Mediapart news site on Friday.…
demonstration against a judgment deemed “lax” against rapists of an 11-year-old girl
In Morocco, a demonstration took place against a judgment handed down by the courts in a case of rape of a minor which moved the whole country. Three men who…
Ukraine wants to dislodge Orthodox clerics, deemed close to Moscow
The monks occupying the Lavra of the Caves of kyiv, a famous monastery classified as a heritage of humanity, had until Wednesday March 29 to leave the premises. The Ukrainian…
Because of their level of security deemed insufficient, social networks, streaming services and mobile games are now officially prohibited on the professional smartphones of French civil servants.
Because of their level of security deemed insufficient, social networks, streaming services and mobile games are now officially prohibited on the professional smartphones of French civil servants. Summary The ubiquity…
Deemed “addictive”, TikTok will warn young people after an hour of use
News Published on 03/02/2023 at 11:39 am Updated 03/02/2023 at 11:39 am Reading 2 mins. The Chinese ultra-short video site TikTok, criticized for being “addictive” for young people, will set…
Surgical masks deemed “not very effective” according to a study
News Published on 02/02/2023 at 07:42 Updated 02/02/2023 at 07:42 Reading 2 mins. Would the surgical mask be ineffective against viral respiratory infections? That’s what a new study suggests. Dr.…
Those who want to “decolonize” a science deemed too “Western”
“Indigenous knowledge can help advance scientific knowledge in some ways, but it is not science.” Published July 31, 2021 in the New Zealand weekly Listen, a column entitled “In defense…
Gulf countries demand Netflix remove content deemed ‘un-Islamic’
The Gulf countries have asked the Netflix streaming platform to remove from its catalog in the region content deemed “ contrary to Islamic and societal values “, without giving details,…
filmed and finished, the film is canceled by Warner Bros, because deemed catastrophic
This is a decision that has caused a lot of ink to flow. For several hours now, the world of cinema has been in turmoil, and for good reason, according…
Pope Francis’ apologies deemed insufficient
Tanya Talaga is visibly disappointed with the apology presented by Pope Francis yesterday, Monday, July 25, 2022, to Native Americans in Canada. ” You can’t say “I’m sorry” and then…