Tag: Dan
Long-time New Democrat Dan Gelinas dies at 76
Breadcrumb Trail Links News Local News A long-time New Democrat, both on the ballot as well as the campaign backroom, is being remembered for his kindness and passion for helping…
The artist Dan Park is sentenced once again for incitement against a ethnic group
It concerns posts on Twitter and the platform Blogspot, including photographs of swastikas painted at the entrances to the churches of St. Petri and St. Johannes in Malmö. Another photo,…
Rugby World Cup: Dan Carter, a luxury ambassador
World rugby legend, Dan Carter, author of the book The Art of Victory, published by Marabout, won the World Cup twice with the All Blacks. Now off the field, for…
The philosophers Bernard Pautrat and Dan Arbib
Pierre-Édouard Deldique receives in his magazine Idées: Bernard Pautrat, normalien, agrégé in philosophy, he led a seminar on “Ethics” for twenty years at the École Normale Supérieure and Dan Arbib,…
Dan Rossi, war veteran and hot dog king in New York
For New Yorkers, Dan Rossi is an icon like only the Big Apple can produce. This 73-year-old former soldier built an empire before losing everything. Today, his hot dog stand…
Bargu Norrbotniaraŧiin Sävaris álggahuvvo dán geasi- biilageainnut huksejuvvojit
– Mii sávvat beassat álgit hukset geainnuid dán geasi, dadjá Richard Österbacka, Johtolatdoaimmahaga hoavda. Huksenáiggi leat leamaš váttisvuođat daiguin“sulfitleajiiguin”, eananleajit maid ferte fuolahit vai doalvut roaskeráhkadussii. -Mii fertet fuolahit dáid…
Dan Eliasson’s job at the government office: A protocol
The former general manager had to leave MSB after a trip to Gran Canaria He worked at the government office for just under two years – and earned SEK 162,500…
Saara Hermansson ja Mihka ja Andreas: dán jagáš Sámi Grand Prix vuitit
Saara Hermansson vuittii juoiganoasi “Goeksege” luđiin. Saara Hermansson lea Västerbottenis iere ja bargá beaivválaččat dego oahpaheaddji Johkamohkis. Son vuittii lávlunoasi Sámi Grand Prixas jagi 2019. – Son giitá buohkaid váimmus,…
Minister: “Mii áigut čoavdit dán jođánit vejolaččat”
Čoahkkin oasseváldiid mielas lei dát buorre čoahkkin ja leat ovdánan áššis. Dál áigu ráđđehus jođáneappot gávdnat gaskaboddosaš čovdosiid, mat álkidahtte Fovsen orohaga boazodoalu ja áigut guhkit áiggi čovdosiid guorahallat –…
PayPal, quarterly above expectations. CEO Dan Schulman leaves
(Tiper Stock Exchange) – PayPala US company that offers digital payment and money transfer services, has registered Net revenues of 7.4 billion dollars in fourth quarter of 2022, up 7%…