Tag: d039électeur
[Carte d'électeur] Those who choose to abstain
With the Covid-19 epidemic and the war in Ukraine, the presidential campaign had a hard time establishing itself in the daily life of the French, which would explain the risks…
[Carte d'électeur] : The first-time voters
They have just obtained French nationality and are going to vote for the very first time. They were 94,000 to obtain naturalization in 2021, a figure on the increase compared…
[Carte d'électeur] The campaign perceived by Muslims
If it is required in each presidential election since the terrorist attacks of 2015, the theme of Islam in France has never been used so much by the candidates and…
[Carte d'électeur] Rebellious and communists, the great leap backwards
They had made a common cause and candidacy in 2012 and 2017, but that was before. Between the rebels of Jean-Luc Mélenchon and the communists of Fabien Roussel, the break…