Tag: Culture
Great interview with Joel Dicker: the truth about a successful writer (part 2)
Joël Dicker was born in 1985 in Geneva where he still lives. He is the author of five novels translated into 40 languages which have sold more than 10 million…
In the heat and dust of black London, with Bernardine Evaristo
Winner of the Booker Prize 2019 with his masterful girl, woman, other, Bernardine Evaristo dominates British literature with her delightfully subversive writing. The publication in French translation of Mr Lovermanone…
Saxophone on all floors with the words of the Freshwater Tiger and Oan Kim’s Live #Session
Our 1er guest is called Laurent Bardainnehis band Le Tigre d’Eau Douce. After Love Is Everywhere, Laurent Bardainne take away his Freshwater Tiger in an exploration dedicated to the star…
“The EU between freedom, solidarity and power”, analyzed by Laurent Warlouzet
international book European countries will not be spared by the Ukrainian conflict, it is a certainty in European capitals. In addition to the massive influx of Ukrainian refugees, many economic…
With “Red Alert”, Disney explores the theme of female puberty
The great animation studio Pixar is already back with a feature film. Entitled Red alert, it has been available since Friday on the Disney+ platform. This fantastic comedy humorously deals…
#Session Live Emmanuelle Parrenin x Lehna, folk is folk!
The 1time artist is Emmanuelle Parrenin for the release of his 3rd album Targala, The House That Isn’t One (Johnkool Records). Emmanuelle Parrenin has always been a collector of sounds:…
Where is the Fifth Republic going?
(At the Charles de Gaulle Foundation). More than sixty years after its creation, the Fifth Republic is striking in its longevity in our constitutional history. But the inevitable rise in…
African documentaries in the spotlight at the Cinéma du réel festival
In a city that we guess is African, a man from behind on a scooter, a variegated red, black, green, white jacket, holds out his left arm, in a sign…
The Nago Cultural Center for social transformation through culture
The Nago Cultural Center proposes to use art and culture as tools for social transformation in order to combat all forms of discrimination. Becoming operational in June 2021, the Nago…
ZKR, 59100 shades of talent
Appointment with the Roubaix rapper ZKR! This artist has established himself thanks to his sharp writing technique and his background texts which can sometimes last 7 minutes. Pride of Hauts-de-France,…