Tag: Culture
raising awareness of racial issues and questioning media clichés, this is the purpose of AJAR
This weekend, in Marseille, the first festival of AJAR, the Association of Antiracist and Racialized Journalists, is being held, which works for better treatment of racial issues in the media…
Texas man smashed Taylor Swift’s guitar – now everyone’s talking about it, but why? | Culture
A man destroyed a guitar that allegedly passed through the hands of pop star Taylor Swift. Because of this, the whole world is talking about the confusing performance of the…
Maarten van Rossem: ‘Did you know that Utrecht has not one but three cathedrals?’
What is a cathedral? A cathedral is a church where a Catholic bishop resides. And that is literally because in every cathedral there is a richly decorated seat or an…
Alaa El Aswany, the fight at the end of the pen – L’Express
For a long time, Alaa El Aswany alternated writing work and treatment in her dental practice in Cairo. Long after the resounding success of his Yacoubian building, adapted for the…
in the secrets of the “Sakountala” myth by Camille Claudel – L’Express
In the spring of 1888, in the columns of ArtLéon Gauchez praises the plaster signed by an unknown woman which he considers “the most extraordinary work” presented at the Salon…
Festivals are not having an easy time, but ‘new ones are being added all the time’
She just likes to see it, although the growth continues to amaze her. “Every time I think: the market is now saturated, new ones are added.” Etienne Looije, director at…
Yuval Noah Harari or Xavier Niel, who sells the most in bookstores? – The Express
There is a lot of action in the tests with no less than eight newcomers. It’s dry! Starting with Yuval Noah Harari, the Israeli historian and philosopher, author, notably, of…
My night in bombed Beirut, by the Lebanese novelist Hyam Yared – L’Express
On a quiet night during which Beirut is getting used to sleeping drowned in the sound of shells that we have learned to trivialize since the start of the offensives,…
scientists solve the mystery
What makes a painting survive the centuries and continue to fascinate contemporary visitors who rush to see it in real life? Scientists have tried to study the impact produced in…
Why does the Francophonie continue to expand to non-French-speaking countries?
After a break, new countries are expected to join the International Organization of La Francophonie during the 19th Summit which is being held in France on October 4 and 5.…