Tag: Culture
Thijmen is Nacht painter: ‘You walk out the door and discover the mystery’
There are no people in the paintings of Thijmen, but people are in it because of the artificial light he paints. “The question is: how do you as a human…
With “the accident”, Jean-Paul Kauffmann weaves the luminous canvas of his childhood-L’Express
Since his release from the Lebanese jails of Hezbollah, in 1988, the ex-journalist of Thursday eventinhabited by the spirit of the place, has continued to survey the most amazing and…
Naomi makes her fear theater: ‘I am still looking for where that comes from’
She is twelve years old when she gets a panic attack for the first time. Since then, Naomi has been suffering from all kinds of fears: abandonment, loss, square fear,…
In Cannes, Malmaison is reinventing itself – L’Express
It’s been decades that she had not benefited from a renovation up to her destiny. It all started in 1863 when the architects Blondel and Vianey built the Malmaison as…
After the immense success of “Sad Tiger”, Snow Sinno returns with the disarming “Realidad” – L’Express
In the cinema, a prequel illuminates an original work by telling the premises a posteriori. Snow Sinno might not like that we qualify as well Realidadhis new work which seems…
Emilia Pérez, “The Legends Office”…. The sick cinema of low -front activism, by Abnousse Shalmani – L’Express
During the Cold War, each selection of film from the Cannes Film Festival was a diplomatic-ideological puzzle, a barometer from the state of the forces, a glamor platform of the…
Who is the publisher behind “The cleaning lady”, best-seller in bookstore? – L’Express
You should be on Mars for not having heard of The cleaning lady of the American Freida McFadden or Auschwitz’s midwife From the British Anna Stuart, real tsunamis in our…
Brantford Creating Prosperous Future Through Tourism, Arts and Culture
BREADCRUM TRAIL LINKS News Local News Brantford Wants to Develop A Thriving Downtown and A Bustling Economy Through Major Initiatives and Infrastructure Projects. Published FEB 27, 2025 • Last updated…
Gene Hackman in police custody – L’Express
In May 2000, Gene Hackman, then aged 69, was playing in the film Under Suscpicionremake of Police custody, From Claude Miller, Denis Rossano receives his exclusive confidences on his profession,…
Why is not the grandmother of the 21st century neofemists-L’Express
On September 1, 1929, under the pen of the future Academician Louis Gillet, it could be read in the Revue des Deux Mondes : “Orlando is a lovely shelf trinket,…